Neutral colors have dominated the decor options to the detriment of the rest of the color palette. The choice of neutral colors is fundamentally based on the ease of decorating rooms in these tones. However, we should not disregard the potential of the other colors, essentially the primary colors.
As you know, blue, red and yellow are the primary colors, they give rise to all secondary and tertiary colors. They are vibrant colors, which give personality to environments.
Choosing a color has a different impact on our lives , depending on the color and the location, it will convey a different meaning.
We can say that colors “ exert different sensations in the creation of environments ”, “influence our “state of mind” (emotions), as create different atmospheres , visually alter the proportions of a room, heat or cool, enhance or create centers of interest”, “are one of the main factors in the way we relate to our environment and what it transmits to us” and “stimulate our senses and can encourage relaxation, work, fun or movement”.
Blue is considered a cool color, which conveys tranquility, serenity and calm. It creates an impression of depth in the environment and is associated with organization. The lighter the shade of blue, the greater the feeling of tranquility. According to Chromotherapy, it is a sedative and healing color. Therefore, prefer lighter tones to decorate a bedroom and opt for stronger tones for the living room or kitchen.
Red, the color of fire and blood, is considered a warm color. It is uplifting, brings confidence, energy, intensity and elegance. It stimulates emotions and inhibits worries and fear, but it can also make you nervous. Some people argue that it interferes with the quality of sleep, so it is best to use it in the kitchen or living room and avoid using it in the bedroom. Out of curiosity, did you know that red is the most important color for many people because it is most closely linked to the principle of life?
Yellow, the lightest of the colors, is considered a warm color and is loaded with symbolism. It gives a feeling of warmth, illuminates, stimulates concentration, awakens optimism and fills environments with vitality. It is the color of the sun, the color of joy, so it is worth betting on this color when the environment is dark or without windows.
You can choose to paint the wall(s) of a room or, alternatively, opt for furniture or smaller objects.
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